of electricity stolen due to meter tampering
extra cost due to meter reading
errors and high labour cost
of electricity loss due to faulty
installation and degraded equipment
Revenue electricity
Revenue electricity refers to both electrical energy generated by the organization (e.g. solar power) and supplied from the grid and sub-sold to other parties. The three major pain points related to revenue electricity are electricity theft, manual processes and electrical installations.
Each of the pain points, if not properly monitored and acted on, can lead to revenue loss.
Electricity theft
Electricity theft is a major problem in some countries. Techniques vary from blunt approaches such as tapping of distribution lines and meter tampering with magnets to sophisticated methods such as meter circuitry bypass.
Unattended electricity theft can lead to as much as 30% of electricity revenue loss.
Manual processes
Traditional manual meter reading may appear to be cost effective, but this apparent advantage is fast evaporating with rising labor costs and the need for frequent real-time reads to support an intelligent and more responsive grid. Manual meter reading is also often rife with errors, from meter reading error to subsequent data entry error.
Keeping to a manual process means up to 20% additional cost.
Electrical installation
Electricity meters are technically simple to install, and if properly installed, easily last more than a decade. However, installation mistakes such as wiring connection errors, current transformer polarity or ratio setting mistakes, or natural wear & tear leading to degradation of electrical components and corrosion of conductors, will result in reduced metering accuracy. In some situations, the entire meter has failed but escapes detection.
A minor problem such as corroded cabling or loose connector may result in metering inaccuracy of 5% to 10%, but a major issue such as current transformer polarity or ratio setting mistake can cause misbilling of up to 60%!